Case Study

Westcliffe Medical Centre benefits from new INRstar functionality for DOACs

"As we run our anticoagulation clinics and have information about all of our patients in one place, it makes my job a lot easier. We see patients on the newer oral anticoagulants every 3 to 6 months, and it is vital that we review their treatment. DOAC patients are checked on a regular basis, and do not get lost to review. We can check for drug side effects, and compliance, and feed all this back into one central system. I can also access patient information before the clinic takes place and run a report on any area."

Bernie Cahill, Assistant Practitioner in Cardiology

Westcliffe Medical Centre in Shipley (Yorksire, UK) is using advanced functionality from INRstar, to manage patients taking direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). Under NICE recommendation, DOACs, should be offered where appropriate. Although they do not require the same regular level of monitoring or dose adjustments as warfarin, national experts recommend that people prescribed DOACs are regularly reviewed.1


Westcliffe Medical Centre runs a community anticoagulation service, covering seven local practices; which have clinics in five locations. The service caters for approximately 700 patients, of whom two thirds take warfarin, and the remaining third take DOACs. The service started using INRstar’s DOAC functionality in order to ensure that these patients were regularly reviewed in line with national expert recommendations and followed up as part of a normal anticoagulation clinic.

Innovative functionality

LumiraDx Care Solutions originally developed INRstar, and added to this innovative functionality to support the ongoing review of new oral anticoagulants, oral direct inhibitors and dalteparin (Low Molecular Weight Heparin) patients. The solution enables INRstar N3 users to maintain records of warfarin and DOAC patients in one central place, allowing for reporting across all anticoagulation patients. Users can now record, maintain and monitor reviews of DOAC patients, including vital records to enable compliance, patient safety and to ensure patients are reviewed when necessary. The new review screens in INRstar comprise an adherence assessment, adverse events, key test results, CHA2DS2 VASc and HAS-BLED scores, as well as the vital creatinine clearance calculation. INRstar currently underpins over 2,700 anticoagulation clinics across primary and secondary care supporting users in the dosing, monitoring and auditing of anticoagulation patients.

1‘Patient’s receiving direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) should be kept under ongoing surveillance. The frequency of this review should be determined by their personal characteristics and co-morbidities, but should be no less than 2 times per year.’ 

Dr Matthew Fay GP, FRCP